The Accusers

The Zohar, Chapter “Bo” (Come Unto Pharaoh): See how people must follow the path of the Creator and keep the commandments of the Torah so that through it, they will be rewarded with the next world, and be saved from all the accusers above and below.

If the group has given man a five percent demand for bestowal, then the Light influences him accordingly.

The other ninety five percent of his desire is not yet connected with the group and are directed towards reception. This part is also influenced by the Light that Reforms, but it does it in the form of “help against him,” a correction of the course,  so man would see: his demands are directed the wrong way.

“Help against him” comes in the form of “the accusers,” who as though resist the path, the goal, the group: everything that relates to spirituality. Essentially, they are us at the given moment, because our demand is not yet pure.


In reality, a single Light comes from the above. It does not split like on the image, it simply influences my desires and properties in different ways; it varies the degree of the positive and the negative influence. Everything only comes in order to properly orient me on my path.

When I include myself in the group, it reminds me that I should not fight “the accusers.” The purpose of these “enemies” is to be of help to me and give me strength.

One should not fight the temptations of our world or the complaints about the spiritual path. Instead, one needs to ask the Creator for strength to rise above the “accusers,” instead of fighting them face to face.

Similarly, it is impossible to fight the Pharaoh, one only can run away from him. I only manifest evil, and once it reaches its full strength, I will acquire the strength to run away.

One needs to have a practical attitude towards the “accusers,” because they represent the forces that work on us. Their opposition is caused by my lack of proper contact with the Creator at this moment. This is the defect that I need to correct.

It is difficult for man to wade through all his complaints for the Creator, remembering that He was the one who sent them. Here it is necessary to have a common opinion, a common foundation, a common aspiration, and group agreement.

In the group we have a strong principle: Everything comes from the Creator, and one needs to turn to Him, instead of the “accusers.” Then we quickly and properly use them as intended.

In the end, man is grateful for the “evil” as well as for the good, and he unites with the single source, which only sends good towards him.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/20/10, Writings of Rabash

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