A Pioneering Force That Lost Its Way

Dr. Michael LaitmanIt is up to Israel to be the first to discover, show the way, and lead all the others. If Israel doesn’t carry out its task, it will feel pressure from all those who are detained behind it. The general system pushes everyone from behind, and then they press the pioneering force that lost its way and forgot about its mission.

This is the picture that we see today in the world. Most of the people of Israel have no idea of its special mission. Even though this is written in our books, the people don’t see this and don’t want to read it; they don’t understand that this is connected to them. Likewise the leaders of the people don’t show this to them.

Consequently, after having moved further and further away from our mission, we deteriorate more and more. We make our situation more severe and feel a growing negative attitude from the nations of the world in regard to us. The nations of the world are that part of humanity that is said to follow us on the way that we have paved.

Without us, humanity will not succeed in paving the way for itself. The order is that Israel is obligated to go first. We hope that we can explain this both to the pioneering force itself and in general to all the rest, not only the people of Israel, but also to all the peoples of the world.

In ancient Babylon Abraham spoke about creation, about the way that it must traverse, about the task of the person on this path, that he must be concerned about all of nature.

When Israel corrects itself, it also corrects the nations of the world, and through them it corrects the still, vegetative, and animate nature. It is up to us to be concerned about everything. The more we delay our correction, the more we cause greater chaos in nature, in the ecology.

It is up to Israel to feel the pioneering force itself and carry out its mission.

King David writes in the Book of Psalms: (Psalms 23:6) “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life.” The pressure that is activated on us from all directions is called “goodness and mercy,” which follows us throughout life, for without it we would forget about the exalted mission that has been imposed upon us.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 7/23/14

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