From Helplessness To Crying Out To The Creator

laitman_221.0There are several exercises for reaching a prayer to the Creator. First of all, it is necessary to acknowledge that we already, in truth, have a connection with the upper force and we exist in the field of its action.

Otherwise, we are like children who in their naiveté do not suspect that the mother constantly watches them and think that they are on their own. The group must constantly give us the sensation that we exist in the force field of the Creator.

In reality, the Creator fills the entire world, but this experience is hidden from us. However, the friends, the group, are able to give us such a sensation. And even though I myself do not feel my dependence on the Creator, do not feel His moment-by-moment influence by which He insures my existence, corrects and guides me, the group can awaken these sensations within me.

We must show our friend that he has a connection with the Creator, and this is the main thing—everything else is just supporting means. This brings us to the sensation of our dependence on the upper force, at first egoistically, for ourselves, to make it better for us. However, then I begin to think about making it better for us, because it is impossible to awaken the Creator alone but only in a ten.

The more tens start to work like this, the greater our strength and our chance to awaken the upper force becomes. We will feel how the Creator draws closer to us. This is how we gradually develop our senses;  this is our entire life’s work, all our spiritual development.
From the 1st part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 6/26/18, Lesson on the topic “From Helplessness to Crying Out to the Creator”

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