No One Is Closer Than A Kabbalist

laitman_560Baal HaSulam, The Writings of the Last Generation: Consequently, the attaining person even becomes more natural, simpler, and most humble. It might even be said that before the endowment, that person and all the people were outside of the simple nature. This is because now he is equal, simple, and understands all people, and is very much involved with them. There is no one closer to the folk than he, and it is only him that they should love, for they have no closer brother than him.

A person who leads the people, a group, humanity, is the most important person on Earth for them because he provides them with contact with the Creator and explains the upper knowledge. He does not disclose anything new but simply lets people reveal their abilities into which he transfers the upper knowledge.

Question: What does it mean that a person who is awarded contact with the Creator becomes equal and simple?

Answer: In order to contact humanity and the Creator according to the laws of commutation, he, on one hand, must be equal to the masses, and on the other hand, tied to the upper sphere.

It is said that contact occurs when “…it is only him that they should love, for they have no closer brother than him.” That is, on the part of the masses, there must be an attitude toward him as a child to his father: sometimes love, sometimes devotion, sometimes obedience, sometimes demanding—the totality of all states.

Remark: The Magid of Vitebsk used to say that he is most thankful to people who spur him.

My Comment: The fact is that a person rises thanks to his haters. And those who admire him, on the contrary, weaken him.

I do not consider it possible for a Kabbalist to reveal himself and elevate himself in the eyes of the masses. Only if it is necessary to get them out of big problems so that they obey him, go or even run after him to move away from their troubles, then he can afford to show them in a limited form that he is the bearer of special forces. There is no other way.

Those who are near a Kabbalist usually feel him a little, see something, start to guess, sense, but these are microdoses.

Question: Baal HaSulam writes that a Kabbalist understands all the people by maintaining quite close relations with them. Is it an internal rapprochement or a relationship at the material level?

Answer: A Kabbalist, communicating with his disciples, relatives, with anyone, behaves in a deliberately simple way. He has no contact with them except for their common interests.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 10/9/17

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