A Real Teacher Is Felt With The Heart

laitman_766.7Question: When you came to your teacher Rabash, did you envy him?

Answer: From the point of view of knowledge and comprehension, then yes. But from the point of view of an ordinary person, what was there for me to envy? I was 30 and he was 70. In front of me was a person who knows everything, but says nothing!

Question: When you asked Rabash, “How do I know that I am in the right place?” He replied, “A real teacher is identified by the heart.” How do you identify that this is your teacher through the heart?

Answer: This cannot be put into words. You simply feel that this person holds the truth and that you need to receive it from him. He has it in his hands and he is ready to extend his arms to you if you extend yours to him and take it. All the same, the student still does not understand the teacher.

Question: How does this click happen, when you know with certainty that this is your teacher, your place, your life?

Answer: I understood this from his lectures. I saw that practically all of my questions had answers. I felt that this methodology was for me.

Actually, I went through many great Kabbalists, but their method of teaching was absolutely not right for me. And only here did I immediately feel that this is absolute knowledge that I wanted to receive from him.
From the Lesson in Russian, 6/25/17

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