The Opportunity To Choose Your Destiny, Part 4

laitman_760.5Question: If a person’s entire life is fully programmed from beginning to end, why in every present moment is he given the feeling that he himself chooses his next step: whom to marry, where to live, what to do?

Answer: Otherwise, a person could not survive; he would kill himself if he knew that he is living like an animal that is controlled in every move. What would remain in his life—only to seek how to spend every moment in a more pleasant way and to suffer less? What is the meaning of such a life and who needs it?

Question: So it is deliberately concealed from me that my life is already completely programmed in all its details so that I would be interested in continuing my existence as if I myself choose something, but in fact, nothing depends on me. Do animals have such feelings?

Answer: No. An animal instinctively obeys nature’s orders without questioning, like a biological machine. A person, however, can ask: “What am I living for? Why do I exist in this way? Can I change my destiny or not?”

This already is the beginning of a human being, which separates him from an animal. He begins to rise above his animal existence to a higher level. He no longer wishes to live only to fill his needs like an animal, but he seeks a higher goal.

Question: What does it mean to become a positive element of the program, having the opportunity to influence your destiny?

Answer: We are allowed to tune into the program of life only on the condition that we would add positive forces to it, that is, if we raise this program from an animal level to a human one, making an “upgrade” of it. If I use my life for the sake of positively influencing the general program that operates on us, which is called the upper force, then I receive the opportunity to do it.

Then I have a positive influence on my own destiny, on everyone else, and on the program as a whole. I am able to change the movie of life and become a partner with the higher force, which governs this entire program.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” #886 on 7/25/17

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The Opportunity To Choose Your Destiny, Part 3
The Opportunity To Choose Your Destiny, Part 2
The Opportunity To Choose Your Destiny, Part 1

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Blitz Of Kabbalah Tips – 3/12/17

laitman_281.02Question: Do I understand correctly that the main creature is man and all other types and levels of creation exist only for him?

Answer: Yes. However, it is not our body that is called a man, but a desire, and not just an ordinary animalistic desire of the material body, but a desire to become similar to the Creator.

Question: If Kabbalists revealed the Creator, does it mean they are the Creators? Perhaps I am also the Creator, just an underdeveloped one.

Answer: To the extent that we are similar to the Creator, we become like Him.

Question: Is the Big Bang somehow connected to the entrance of the first person into spirituality?

Answer: No. The Big Bang is the emergence of matter at the level of our world.

Question: What is the most common cause for the delay in development of a spiritual person?

Answer: It is only his laziness, lack of attention, and disregard for those states that we must undergo.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 3/12/17

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New Life 891 – From Self Love To Love Of Others

New Life 891 – From Self Love To Love Of Others
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz

It is written, “Love thy friend as thyself.” A person thinks that he must first love himself, which is a common egoistic mistake. Only if we begin to try to love others will we discover to what degree we love ourselves.
From KabTV’s “New Life 891 – From Self Love To Love Of Others,” 8/1/17

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The Fall From The Level Of A Man

Laitman_153Torah, Deuteronomy 28:26: Your corpse will be food for all birds of the heaven and for the beasts of the earth, and no one will frighten them [away].

This means that you fall from the divine level on which you could dwell to the human level, then from the human level to the animal level, and from the animal level to the level of “carrion.” Therefore, you become food for the lowest, non-kosher and wrong level of your beast.

That is, this person who was supposed to be a Man within you, these desires and qualities turn into carrion that also serves all kinds of Klipot (impure forces) for their strengthening.

Your egoistic desires that did not give you an opportunity to defeat enemies that you surrendered to because you did not tackle them by faith above reason eat you in the most impure way.

You were going to go by faith above reason above all the obstacles that the Creator puts before you in order to unite with others and to create a place for His revelation, but you did not withstand it. Therefore, everything shattered into its constituent parts, seven parts of the spiritual Partzuf, the body of the soul.

Thus, the body of the soul falls to the human level, but one in which nothing viable remains that can only be food for your impure forces, qualities, thoughts, desires, and intentions. This is your “carrion” that devours the Man (Adam) in you, that is, the qualities that are ready for the level of Man.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/7/16

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A Man Or A Beast
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Audio Version Of The Blog – 09.27.17

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To A New Year, To A New World!

laitman_293.1Dear Friends!

We are on the threshold of the New Year, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Simchat Torah—great and important holidays. These holidays represent very high, very deep, and very broad Kabbalistic concepts. They open the doorway to the upper world for us.

I invite you to use this special time of year and these holidays as a presentation of a new level of human development, and to enter the sensation, the attainment, of world that surrounds us, the system controlling us, that which the science of Kabbalah speaks of, and to really awaken to a new world in the new year.

I invite you!

Holidays From The Perspective Of Kabbalah

Laitman_506.1Question: How are the autumn holidays of Rosh HaShana (New Year), Yom Kippur (Judgement Day), and Sukkot, explained from the perspective of Kabbalah?

Answer: Our entire work lies in the need to collect and reconnect the broken shards of a shattered system called Adam back into a unified whole. There was a system, one soul, one mechanism, one desire, and then this desire shattered into a multitude of pieces. And we need to collect all these desires into one general desire the way it was prior to its shattering. This is our main task. That means, a person who did or did not contribute some kind of effort toward this task during the past year must examine himself.

This self-examination is the purpose of the week prior to the New Year, during which we need to think about how we spent the past year, to what extent we contributed to creating the right kind of foundation for humanity to unite in friendship, love, and mutual guarantee among them. It is an assessment of what I have yet to complete, and it’s called Slichot, translated as “forgiveness.” We don’t need forgiveness from anyone, only from ourselves: where did I blunder, where didn’t give enough, where didn’t I judge correctly, etc.; all this is with respect to our effort in creating unity among people. I examine myself: Did I have the opportunity? What kind and how did I realize it?

After this self-examination, the New Year begins. New Year means that I begin a new cycle of the calendar starting from a particular day. This day is called the birth of Adam. In other words, the New Year that we celebrate is the day Adam was born.

But what does it mean to be born? There once existed a person who suddenly received an awakening: the entire panorama of the controlling system of our world and the need for people to unite was revealed to him. All this he described in the book HaMalach Raziel  (Secret Angel). After him, students continued to pursue this revelation, and so on, to the present day.

That is why we celebrate the day of the appearance of the first person in our world who revealed this system of connection between people, how we should be interconnected, and how we could achieve our correction and come to unity. Then, after we decide that this is the way we choose to act, the ten days after New Year begin, leading up to Judgement Day when we examine, with precision, each of the ten Sefirot of our soul, each day focusing on a specific Sefira, and we begin to determine how much we still have to do and where we still need to correct ourselves.

Then begins a 24-hour period, called the Day of Judgement when we have to evaluate our behavior and we have to reveal the hatred we hold toward each other, our rejection of one another. We then need to ask for forgiveness from each other; we need to actually draw closer to each other so that this forgiveness is not just a formality, but is truly coming from a cleansed heart. Judgement Day is a day when we attempt to penetrate all the corners, all the hidden places of our egoism, and pull it all out and promise ourselves that we will correct all of it and come to unity among us.

After this, we have five days corresponding to the five Sefirot: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut, and then the holiday of Sukkot begins. Sukkot is a time when we begin to receive correction from the Surrounding Light (Ohr Makif), which is shining upon us through the roof we build ourselves out of green branches of plants.

We sit in this sukkah for seven days, allowing this Light to act upon us, all the way through to completion, through Hesed, Gevura, Tifferet, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, and Malchut. And each day we celebrate the correction of each Sefira of our soul, which is the result of the action of the Surrounding Light.

When we completely correct our soul, it can receive the upper Light. That is why this day is called the holiday of the Torah, that is, the holiday of Light. That’s how we conclude the complete cycle of the autumn holidays.

We learn about the manner in which we should act, how our soul is built, and what corrections the soul goes through in each moment of time. A great deal of literature is devoted to this. And all of this is described in specific, physical laws of our inner world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian, 9/25/16

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