“The Blessing To Be With You In Your Granaries”

laitman_239Torah, Deuteronomy 28:08: The Lord will order the blessing to be with you in your granaries, and in every one of your endeavors, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you.

You will be blessed in all spiritual endeavours when you want to connect with others in order to rise higher and higher to the level of the Creator. The illumination of the upper Light will begin correcting you completely, and thus you will advance to the new degrees in revelation of the Creator in adhesion with Him.

This happens absolutely for real in our world. It is not that you purely conceptually understand what is written in the book, like any person who opens it and begins to philosophize, but you reveal the Creator with your new qualities in proportion to your similarity to Him. Thus, the upper world becomes for you the world where you begin to exist.
This is called “your granary” and “your endeavor.”
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/5/16

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