My Thoughts On Twitter, 7/5/17


The only solution against threats to the world: #USA must obligate Israel to reveal the method of building a new society–Kabbalah.

Nostalgia for US/Europe/Russia greatness = grief for the “end of liberal order.” There’s no going back. Ahead is the ego’s destruction!

ILO: new reality is almost here where nearly everyone will be #jobless. Society isn’t built for this!

#socialmedia sites r destroying the vertical power structure, building horizontal social relationships, thus impacting politics & society.

Numbers of elderly dependents on govt aid is up. #Pensions r disappearing. Thus we’ll gradually come to the necessity of fair distribution.

40 years of GDP growth went to the wealthiest 2%. Universal Basic Income (UBI) for US is 3% of GDP. We need #UBI with mandatory education!

#UN is source of conflicts! Crises will cut aid to UN, profiteering emissaries will go away, as will the Palestinian problem they exploit

From Twitter, 7/5/17

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