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Answers To Your Questions, Part 167

Question: I listen to and read your lectures with great pleasure. I notice many things that are related to what you say, but there are things that remain unclear.

You often say that we, (mankind) are now living on a low egoistic level, with which I totally agree, and that in order to change the situation, the Creator is pushing us toward comprehensive unity or toward what we call globalization [1].

You explain this by saying that life itself, or nature [2], is leading us toward this unity, but if we look at nature itself, I don’t see that animals live together, on the contrary, wolves live with wolves, sheep with sheep, but not in common.

We are not animals, of course, but we can look at the story of the Tower of Babel where the Creator himself caused the divisiveness between people. It seems that there are many examples where the Creator and nature have led to divisiveness, or more accurately perhaps, that He separated people from each other. What do you think about this?

Answer: The still, vegetative, and animate nature depend on the human level, and descend and ascend with it.

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