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Controlling Character

Question from my Facebook [1]: How do we learn to control negative character traits?

Answer: A person can control his character traits by being in the right environment that will support him and have a positive influence on him. There is no other way. Is there any other opposing force that can be used to change a person’s character? Neither personal training nor self-persuasion works these days.

All character traits are negative because everything that a person does, he does for himself only. Therefore, only the right environment can give a person the opportunity to understand how to balance himself.

Question: How does the right environment influence negative character traits? For example, what about a person who is stingy?

Answer: Stinginess is not a bad characteristic. It depends on your perspective. It could be that the person is not stingy, but cautious, considerate, and prudent. Is it better to squander or give everything away indiscriminately? Certainly not.

However, first the environment has to educate a person, directing him or her towards exiting  their personal ego [2] and connecting [3] together above it.  The environment will then be able to give a person the correct middle line of action.

The creation of the right society that is on a higher level than the society in which we are now is a good and blessed environment. Our job is to rise above this plane.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/23/16

Related Material:
Is It Necessary To Change Character Traits? [4]
Must I Examine Myself? [5]
Everything Was Created For A Reason [6]