The Real Wisdom Of Kabbalah

laitman_214Question from Facebook: I don’t think it is necessary to promote Kabbalah. It isn’t a remedy for the common cold. Whoever is looking for it will find it by himself. Otherwise, the outcome will be like with Madonna who publicized to the world that she studies Kabbalah, but in fact remained…I will not say what.

Answer: First, she did not study the wisdom of Kabbalah. Taking a book, reading it or studying a little with someone is not studying the wisdom of Kabbalah.

We are undergoing a period in which the wisdom of Kabbalah will become increasingly more popular, we don’t know how popular it will become, but it will at least be heard. People will look for it and will try to discover and identify what the true wisdom of Kabbalah is from all the huge piles of garbage. The real wisdom of Kabbalah operates in a person in a very simple manner; it raises him above his egoistic nature. This is the whole wisdom of “Love thy friend as thyself.” This is the basic original law.

If we want to be in a state of mutual guarantee, “as one man in one heart,” people need to work on themselves in order to correctly implement the wisdom that speaks about one thing only: love thy friend is the great rule of the Torah. I hope that the coming year will help make things clear to people so that they can understand this point better.
From a Webinar “The Year in Review” 12/26/16

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One Comment

  1. The whole wisdom of “love thy neighbor a s thyself” as practiced in Kabbalah is different from the world’s perspective of giving to charitable organizations, feeding the poor and homeless, visiting the sick, etc. Which of these two will they believe?

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