New Life #394 – Superstitions And The Evil Eye

New Life #394 – Superstitions And The Evil Eye
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel


What is the role of superstitions and the evil eye in our modern world and how can we influence each other for the best?

Animals feel nature, but humans don’t. Hence the need for different lucky talismans, red strings, etc. It all stems from not knowing the system we live in. In nature everything is deterministic.

Man is a psychological creature and so blessings affect him and his power to cope, but the blessings cannot actually change anything in life nor change the system of nature.

The script is ready. Basically it is impossible to change it, but we can change the way we regard what comes along.

The evil eye is if people think badly about someone, they can change his fate. This is the reason that unfounded hatred is destructive. We are connected to each other by an internal network. Our thoughts toward one another are in this network. Millions of strings tie us together, and today harmful arrows flow in them, not good thoughts.

If a person sets the rule of “love thy friend as thyself” as the goal in life, he has nothing to fear. A person should be modest and not stand out, not because of fear of the evil eye, but so that he will not cause others to fail.

You can buy a new car, but you should keep the intention that your neighbor will not hate you.
From KabTV’s “New Life #394 – Superstitions And The Evil Eye,” 6/3/14

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