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New Life #322 – The Desire To Succeed

New Life #322 – The Desire To Succeed
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz


Why does a person aspire to succeed, how does this affect our values, is it possible to succeed alone, and is there success that is eternal?

Our foundation is the desire to enjoy. There are six kinds of desires [1]: food, sex, family, wealth, honor, and knowledge.

We are in constant competition with our surroundings. Each success is relative. There are special people who designate a very limited goal for themselves in the fields of science [2] or the arts. But most people move with the majority with the popular goals such as wealth, control, and honor.

The big question is what it is it to really succeed in life?

Our problem today is that we don’t build a person. Young people go out in life without understanding what success really is. And so we uselessly spend our lives running after imaginary goals that were sold to us.

“For each person who passes away there still remains half of his desires unfulfilled.” There is a constant pursuit after success that always slips away from you.

The younger generation knows in advance that it isn’t worthwhile to work hard. They are narcissists; they want everything here and now.

There is a difference between the desire to enjoy and the desire to succeed. Success is when someone builds himself up through his own efforts [3]. To this end, a person needs to set goals and work very hard to achieve them, and then it is considered success.

The investment builds the person. People who have set different goals in life turn out different from each other. So sometimes it is impossible to explain your feelings concerning your own success to someone else.

Currently, scientific success is attained more through teamwork, through the cooperation of a team of researchers.
We are gradually approaching the desire to succeed as a group. And when you see one star, behind the discovery there stands a great team.

The philosophical question, looking at life overall, what is considered success in knowledge?

What kind of success doesn’t dissipate and in retrospect won’t disappointment me for investing my life for it? We run away from the big questions concerning the meaning of life because we don’t have answers. So why suffer?

Through the generations, only a few succeeded in cracking the secret of life. Today these questions bother the masses.

Is it possible to reach eternal success? Or is it all just “eat and drink since tomorrow we die”?

We should find out a noble goal because if we succeed in attaining it, we will never be sorry.
From KabTV’s “New Life #322 –The Desire to Succeed,” 3/20/14

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