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My Thoughts On Twitter, 2/7/17

Trump wants to replace the elite and make America strong. The revolution is bloodless, yet the thirst for revenge could lead to civil war.

Unknowingly, people hate Jews specifically because they refuse to produce the positive force of nature and thereby balance human egoism.

Humans are egoists, yet the Torah demands to “love thy neighbor” by extracting the positive force of unity from nature. Jews can do this!

The Jews who are for and against Trump should try to unite above their differences. Otherwise, hatred will destroy both sides.

In nature, opposites don’t destroy each other. They complement each other to create a new level of life. We must learn this from nature.

The uniqueness of Kabbalah is that it can unify opposite qualities (views, desires, goals) of people, parties, and nations into one whole.

Why Jewish Political Activism Leads To Anti-Semitism

The world is getting increasingly anxious. My advice is to do whatever it takes to calm it down.

The World vs. Donald J. Trump


Ultra “Liberal” Self-Righteousness, Or, How Jews Invoke Anti-Semitism

The new era will be psychologically different from the old: direct, based in problem-solving, and despising political correctness.

Political correctness, humanism, liberalism & democracy-have become absurd. At this point they hinder themselves & cause their own death.
From Twitter [1], 2/7/17

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