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My Thoughts On Twitter, 2/2/17

Why do people hate Jews? Watch Into Truth: Cracking the Jewish Riddle documentary

We, Kabbalists, do not resent our critics. Their opposition advertises us. The ego cannot discover Kabbalah otherwise. #SPIRITUAL

Since Kabbalah becomes revealed out of concealment, the deceitful world can discover it (and us) only through slander, lies and opposition

Join our live Zohar lesson from Israel

Since the nature of creation is entirely egoistic, becoming an independent creation means rising above the ego

UC Berkeley’s student outrage: like children, desperate with the world’s unfairness, these “tolerant pluralists” smash and burn the campus

The True Face of Liberalism

The postwar bloom of liberal democracies and economies is over. Time gave birth to change. Donald Trump has become the symbol of it.

Although most Jews voted for Clinton, they now receive threats for “supporting Trump.” Evidently, hate needs no reason!

Israel must show the world how people can unite above their ego. This is its mission of being “a light unto the nations.”

It’s advisable for EU leaders to realize: with Trump they will solve their problems peacefully, without him—by war.
From Twitter [1], 2/2/17

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