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Food Thrown Away

In the News (Times of Israel [1]): “Israel is throwing away approximately 35 percent of the food it produces, to the value of an estimated NIS 18 billion in 2015, according to a report released this week by Leket Israel, the National Food Bank.

“The food waste in Israel has far-reaching implications, especially for the 17% of Israeli society considered ‘food insecure’ — those who are not sure that they will have enough food over the course of the month.

“‘There are things that we can do with very minimal effort to rescue food, but we need to have policies that will direct this, policies that come from a government level,’ said Gidi Kroch, the CEO of Leket Israel.”

My Comment: I think that it is much more than that. But even this would be enough to feed all of those in need.

Comment: Many steps are being taken to avoid throwing food away.

My Comment: Nothing will help with this or automobile accident fatalities, problems in schools, the family, and every possible place. Only the ascent of a person to the next level of development will help solve all problems.

People throw food away because what happens to others doesn’t matter to them. If you knew that your children living a few kilometers away from you were now starving, wouldn’t you bring them food?

We lack a sense that we are one family. So, it is necessary to revive this feeling between us. Then there will be plenty of everything for everyone. Otherwise, it will not be possible to solve this problem.

I am not saying that it is necessary to run and distribute food. But anyone would willingly set aside all his surpluses. So this is not even about sharing with someone, but simply about giving them the surplus we are throwing away.

Then all would be well and rational related to food. We cannot imagine the quantity of food that is thrown away in stores, supermarkets, wedding halls, and restaurants. We throw away more than we eat.

What this means is that we must organize special distribution systems. Then people will not starve and there will always be enough for everyone.

If we felt that those who are hungry were our relatives, this would push us to set our surplus aside and create a system for collecting and distributing it. The same could be done with clothing and everything else, meaning the immense surpluses of products we have manufactured.

It is possible to achieve such a feeling only when we begin to implement the great general rule, “And you shall love your friend as yourself” (Leviticus 19:18), or at least when we feel that we are one people.

But we can achieve this only with the help of serious re-education [2] and in no other way. It is impossible to solve problems like these differently. We must speak and write about this so much that everyone will understand how they are living and who they are. Then it will be easier to explain to people that we need to do something about ourselves.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/11/16

Related Material:
Should They Starve? [3]
The Curse Of Useless Abundance [4]
The Future Supermarket [5]