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What Will Calm A Woman’s Heart?

Question: Why is a woman never satisfied with anything? What can we do so that a woman would be satisfied and calm?

Answer: A woman [1] in our world has very few resources with which to be filled.

She receives filling mainly from her husband, from the family, from her children, from the attention she receives, but she isn’t always satisfied with that. Sometimes she is satisfied with her husband and sometimes with her children. As long as she cares about them, this care fills her, but being satisfied with the family isn’t only a family problem because many external factors affect the family. So a woman in our world is much more susceptible to feelings of shortage, lack, and anxiety than men. This is due to Malchut, which always feels a deficiency.

It seems that there is nothing simpler than providing a woman with a filling—a little attention from her husband and the children, a feeling of a the right connection would fully satisfy her, but although she needs so little, it is still impossible to achieve.

Question: Why is it impossible to give a woman this feeling?

Answer: Because this is actually what creation is based upon. The ego [2] cannot be filled in its initial uncorrected state, and the woman is the embodiment of this state. The majority who yearn for the wisdom of Kabbalah are women.

They have a great need for the meaning of life [3]. Although it isn’t on a level as high as the men, they are the ones who actually feel dissatisfied with life.

Rabash [4] used to say that it is enough for a man to watch a soccer game, to see a pretty woman, to have a beer in the bar with some friends, and feel his life is successful.

On the other hand, a woman needs so many fillings and none of them depend on her. A man has many pleasures in life. Everything was created for him. And what was created for a woman: only her dependence on everyone.

Therefore, we should understand her nature.

Question: Do we have to understand her and to be more aware of her needs?

Answer: The problem is that it will not help. Of course we have to ease a woman’s suffering in this world as much as possible by understanding where it comes from, but eventually a woman will be able to calm down only if we Kabbalists attain, by the unity among us, a state in which she will feel the Light that comes from us. This is the only thing that will fill her.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16

Related Material:
Women’s Task In Spiritual Correction [5]
Who Is Closer To The Wisdom Of Kabbalah? [6]
Men And Women, The Need For Fulfillment [7]