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Studying The Book Of Zohar In Aramaic

Question: Is it worthwhile to study The Book of Zohar in Aramaic?

Answer: It is not necessary to study it in Aramaic, Hebrew, or in any other language, because you won’t understand anything anyway.

You must first study the wisdom of Kabbalah [1] itself as a key to the material in the source books, and only after that will you begin to understand what is said in The Book of Zohar, [2] otherwise it will just be the reading of incomprehensible pages that will only lead you to reject it.

Question: Does reading The Book of Zohar in Aramaic awaken some kind of illumination?

Answer: Yes. But I suspect that people “will get lost” when they read it and are liable to think that they have already had contact with the wisdom of Kabbalah and don’t have anything more to search for there. So it is better to begin with a three-month introductory course on the wisdom of Kabbalah.

In the course you will be able to get an idea about the general system of creation, its management, and a person’s purpose within this system. In that way you will know what is happening to you, what needs to happen to you, how you can manage this system, influence it, and what reactions you can get back from it. What this means is that you can be in mutual cooperation with the general system and manage your life.

The wisdom of Kabbalah is a science.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 10/26/16

Related Material:
Which Part Of The Zohar Should We Read? [3]
A Recommendation For Reading The Book Of Zohar [4]
What Should We Expect From Studying The Book Of Zohar? [5]