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What Will Save Us From Pride?

Comment: It is said that we have “to walk in all His ways and to love Him, and to worship the Lord, your God” (Deuteronomy 10:12), and to serve Him.

Answer: It is needless to serve Him if He is Absolute. We just need to serve people, creating for them the upper world [1]. The Creator [2] needs nothing. What can you give Him? He is perfect!

Question: Isn’t there egoism [3] that still manifests itself one way or another in the fact that I serve people?

Answer: In the upper system everything is arranged so that if all my intentions are egoistic, then, first of all I can’t serve people spiritually, and secondly I will receive only a “slap” on the head from others.

And even if I behave correctly and do everything for them unselfishly, nevertheless they will still criticize me as much as they want and thereby will guard me from conceit and pride; I thank them very much for this! However, if they don’t criticize me, it is a problem. This is a punishment from the Creator.
From KabTV program “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/16/16

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