Sorting Life’s Values

laitman_423_01Question: If everything that we get from the Creator is designed for our good and for correction, and everything negative is a change in the form of our desires, what must be “cleansed” from our lives?

Answer: The Creator throws an immense amount of “garbage” into our lives and we need to select the necessities from it and discard the rest. We must sort out what is good and what is bad, what is imperative and what is not imperative. This sorting makes us into a correct creature. Based on it, we understand how the Creator operates.

Before us is a pile of garbage in the form of so-called values: sports, movies, travel, power, wealth, etc. All these lure us so that we cannot differentiate good from bad, light from darkness, the logical from the illogical, and the purposeful from the empty.

If we sort everything correctly, we see that there is almost nothing left to choose from except our inner thoughts and feelings. All the external influences that we get, say through the television or computer screen, are essentially empty.

By separating the necessary from the unnecessary, we constantly choose so that these clarifications will ultimately reveal before us an immense mechanism, the immense system called the Creator.

From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/10/16

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