New Life #606 – US – Russia Relations

New Life #606 – US – Russia Relations
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz


Every nation has its own character, and supplements it with what it absorbs from outside. In general, this addition is not comfortable. America was created by Anglo-Saxons and Germans, so it is not like Russia.

The Russian people are not very pragmatic, but pride is very important to them. They are ready for anything; the main thing is to be told that they are strong. In contrast, the Anglo-Saxon approach is the opposite. It is very pragmatic and they don’t care what is said about them, the main thing being that they are advancing further and further.

In addition, the American approach has changed greatly under the influence of the African-Americans, the Latinos, and the Muslims who have entered and become assimilated among them. In the future, America will weaken and will not continue to be a superpower. So don’t expect there to be a struggle between it and Russia.

We see that the world is changing; new technologies have eliminated the need for great weaponry, large industry, and so forth. In the future the world will break up into a lot of small nations and each nation will have its own character. The United States will also fall apart.

When we can print everything with three-dimensional printers, the transport of commodities between nations will drop dramatically. In spite of this, we will discover failures that we cannot live calmly with that will oblige us to correct our nature.

Like a couple quarreling over nonsense, peoples will want to kill each other. So we will reach a situation where the world will require education for a new connection; we will reach a worldwide law: through a special education we will have to learn to connect above all the differences.
From KabTV’s “New Life #606 – US – Russia Relations,” 6/8/15

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