New Life #504 – Living Through Screens

New Life #504 –  Living Through Screens
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel


All of nature is one integrated system, and developing in this system requires our connection to each other, as if we were members of one family, but our egoism opposes and doesn’t want to truly connect to others. The era we live in is the era of the screen, and it brings with it a feeling that the whole world is in the palm of our hand, that we are connected to the whole world and that the world is connected to us.

But most of all, the screens reveal our nature. We become more direct, and behave without shame. The screens expose our true faces, our nature, our ego, and places a mirror in front of us.

It is true that we were also egoists 200 years ago, but then we covered it with false manners. Today, the Internet has dissolved all these games and unleashes all the evil in us and forces us to correct it and to truly connect with our environment.

We will soon realize that we have to connect to and to be part of the trend of integration. It will happen very soon.
From KabTV’s “New Life #504 – Living Through Screens,” 1/20/15

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