Contagious Stress

Laitman_049_01In the News (Time): “When teachers are stressed, so are their students, according to a new study.

“In the report, published in the journal Social Science & Medicine, researchers assessed the burnout levels of 17 teachers of fourth through seventh grade. They also assessed levels of the stress hormone cortisol in their students—more than 400 of them—by taking saliva samples at three different times during the school day.

“The researchers found that students had higher levels of cortisol if their teachers reported higher burnout levels. …

“The study is the first to link teacher burnout to physical stress changes in their students.”

(Psychological Science): “‘Stress Contagion,’ Emotions are not simply concepts that live privately in the mind, but rather affective states that emanate from the individual and may influence others. … infants’ physiological reactivity mirrored mothers’ reactivity engendered by the stress manipulation … These findings suggest that mothers’ stressful experiences are contagious to their infants and that members of close pairs, like mothers and infants, can reciprocally influence each other’s dynamic physiological reactivity.”

Answer: Look at what scientists are discovering . All people are connected to one another; there are “threads” that connect our thoughts, desires, intentions, and impulses. Could it be that the wisdom of Kabbalah is right in saying that we are in a global network that totally connects us in every respect? It turns out that it is indeed so.

Scientists have discovered that a student’s bad mood affects the teacher and vice versa, so what’s new? See what scientists research compared to what the wisdom of Kabbalah explores, to what it teaches us, and what it tells us when it explains the laws of the network in which we are all connected.

If we change the mutual relations between people somewhere in the world, we will affect people who are at the other end of the world by that action.

Of course there is a tight connection between everyone. We simply need to know this system.

If I turn on my computer but don’t know how to use it, what can I do with it? But if I’m familiar with the program and how to use it and what the effect of my fingers on the keyboard and through the keyboard on the program is, I can affect it.

At the same time, if I know what my computer can do and how it can affect the whole world, assuming that my computer is connected to the global computer network, it is a totally different matter.

Similarly, I can play my internal keyboard, which is Tzimtzum (restriction), a Masach (screen), and the Returning Light, and thus affect the network between us that is called the one general unique soul. If I can consciously affect this network by being inside it, through my thoughts, feelings, and desires, by wanting to bring it to the good future state it will reach anyway, by wanting to push it there because otherwise I will not be able to affect it, of course I affect it! I begin to see and to realize how it undergoes all the changes and how it develops.

So why is it surprising that everything affects everything? Are we talking about the fact that children drive a poor teacher crazy with their childish nonsense? Everything and everyone is mutually connected and are in one system. No one can escape, there is no escape. So let’s learn about the essence of the connection between us, its nature and how we can affect one another and bring everyone to the one unique whole.

Thus we will gradually discover a totally different level of mutual cooperation between us, a different level of our existence! Today scientists are publishing studies about things the wisdom of Kabbalah has been talking for 6,000 years.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/30/16

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One Comment

  1. i feel like only student and everybody knows everything:(

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