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Why Don’t They Want To Get Married…

In the News (Russian Bazaar [1]): “Americans aged 18 to 29 years continue to rapidly lose interest in marriage. If in 1960 55% of people in this age group were considered married, today only 19% of “millennials” (born from the early 80’s to late 90’s) officially live a family life.

“Today we can say with certainty that all attempts to return interest to the institution of marriage, undertaken by the government and religious institutions, failed miserably. …

“According to experts, young people no longer understand the meaning and the essence of the religious marriage.

“‘Many ‘millennials’ consider marriage obsolete and an outdated institution, which from a legal perspective only complicates life. Without marriage, as we know, there is no divorce, division of property and other litigation. …

“Getting a college degree, moving to their own homes, buying a house or car, the birth of a child – all of this is much more important for today’s youth, than a wedding. Even ‘meeting someone you love’ they rate much higher than official marriage. …

“Look who is protecting the institution of marriage today. By and large, they are conservative Americans aged 45 years and above. They grew up with other values and traditions, and now they want to instill in their children. But the 90’s and 2000’s greatly changed American youth. It thinks very differently and evaluates reality differently than the older generation.”

My Comment: Human behavior is based on a single feature: egoistic pleasure. This determines every aspect of our behavior. Therefore, the reason for a change in our behavior is a change in the basis of the phenomenon, egoism [2].

Egoism has developed and continues to develop very rapidly, especially qualitatively. At the heart of nature is its development program and the program of human development.

You can read about the lack of free will in any of our actions in my post “There Is No Such Thing As Free Will [3]“.

According to this program a person has to penetrate nature’s program, to study it, implement it on himself, and act in harmony with it. Currently, we operate opposite to this program. But it is normal and this is also part of the actual program, which is called the growing period, similar to the way children grow in our world.

Today we are in the stage of transition to actively participating in the plan of creation. The program of creation will force us to attain its essence and to act specifically according to it. It is similar to the way young people become independent in our world. Some easily succeed and others find it very difficult.

The wisdom of Kabbalah [4] is the science of human development and it is meant to tell us what happens to us and to prepare us for the correct interaction— Achishena, hastening time (along the quick and easy path)—with nature, with the Creator.

Related Material:
Single People Are Happier [5]
America Retreats From Marriage [6]
Why Marry?! [7]