“Future Of The State: National, Irrational, Catastrophic”

laitman_220In the News (spiegel.de): “It is not long ago that the progressive opening of the borders was a certainty. A worldwide movement wanted to tear down the narrow confines of the law. An unstoppable globalization progress, was prophesied. …

“Data, product and capital flows would ensure that the state would become weaker, and in addition that cultural barriers would fall was hoped.

“Now a backlash has begun: EU-members are closing and fortifying borders that they previously wanted to keep absolutely open. …

“Priorities have shifted dramatically. Citizens are concerned about the security the state provides, especially in Europe. … Surprisingly many people view protectionism positively (38 percent) and globalization negatively (39 percent).

“This change in mood is understandable. Hopes for unlimited rising prosperity were not realized, at least since the onset of the recession from 2008 and 2009 respectively. Prevailing since then is a permanent crisis mode with exacerbated conflicts over distribution. Where these are ideologically charged, terror and war thrive. Accordingly, the security needs of citizens rises. …

“A state that can not secure its borders, loses its statehood. …

“The role of the state has grown over the centuries. The more complex societies were, the more institutions they needed to manage collective problems – judiciary, army, police, education, social security, environmental protection, privacy …

“Especially in the 19th century, the state responsibilities grew enormously. Within a few decades, rural agrarian societies developed into large-scale industrial companies. Large-scale transport networks were needed to transport industrial goods between the newly created cities. Schools and universities equipped the industry with qualified employees. … Companies were bigger and more anonymous. …

“To effectively perform public duties, States unified and enlarged their territories. …

“International cooperation intensified. …

“Humanitarian disasters such as in Syria , the damage to the global climate from greenhouse gases, wild fluctuating capital flows – all that exceeds the capabilities of today’s nation-states. Therefore confidence wanes in their institutions. Therefore fail national leadership figures. Whether there are rulers, the opposition, or extremist, they cannot deliver on their promises of salvation.

“Rationally considered, we would do everything possible to overcome the nation state today. Because its scope is no longer enough. To solve the problems, parts of sovereignty to international levels are displaced. One approach, that of Western Europe has gone on for decades, through the deepening of the EU and the euro.

“But the unresolved permanent crises in recent years – from the financial- about the euro – to the refugee crisis – have battered the credibility of the EU institutions. Instead of perfecting the European order, we are now experiencing a reference back to ever smaller government units.

“It is the triumph of national feelings over reason, an aberration, considered rational.”

My Comment: People act instinctively. So it is a natural tendency in a time of crisis, terrorism, and wars to gather again into their nations, become isolated, contract, and tackle their own problems. But the inexorable laws of nature are pushing us toward full unity. The solution is in understanding the laws of nature and following them. The wisdom of Kabbalah leads us to this.

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A New Global Empire
Nations Are Becoming Weaker
“The End Of The Nation-State?”

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