New Life #360 – Music Connects The Hearts

New Life #360 – Music Connects The Hearts
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz


What is the essence of the connection between a musician and the audience for whom he performs? How does it connect us with a sense of harmony and how can we use this essence in teaching integral education?

The sound of music that a person plays is a means of connecting his heart with the heart of the listeners. Great musicians can feel how the audience before them swallows the sounds and the feelings they convey.

The sitting arrangement in a live performance is important in order to connect the audience; this is the reason that an amphitheater is built the way it is. Before a musician begins his performance he needs to tune himself to the fact that he is going to connect everyone as one.
From KabTV’s “New Life #360 – Music Connects The Hearts,” 4/27/14

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