Magic Tricks—Only In A Circus

laitman_600_04Question: When you encountered the wisdom of Kabbalah, did you immediately see deep meaning in it or did you first want to learn magic?

Answer: I never wanted to learn magic, that always repelled me. After all, I am a man of science, so I understood that this wasn’t serious. Magic tricks can only be in a circus.

What was the benefit from Nostradamus, Messing, or Wanga divining the future? Did they achieve something through this? They spoke about what they felt and nothing more.

I never aspired to be involved with it and I believe that it is completely unimportant. People who can predict the future exist, but it is up to us to develop realistically toward the true goal and purpose of creation. And in particular we must draw “a full wagon” of seven billion people after us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 2/14/16

Related Material:
The Supernatural In The Wisdom Of Kabbalah – Everything Is For Others
Myths About Miracles
The Magic Theater

One Comment

  1. True…and true…..nice article.

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