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Germany Is Disappointed With Netanyahu

Question: Germany is becoming increasingly disappointed with the policies of Netanyahu. The prime minister of Germany, Mrs. Merkel, who has supported Israel until recently, met with Mahmoud Abbas two weeks ago and expressed her support to him.

It is possible to see clearly how German policy toward Israel is changing, and incitement against us has begun even for those who have been close to us.

Answer: For the last seventy years, after World War II, Germany conducted a very clear policy of support for Israel. Germany always related legitimately in regard to the Jews, apparently atoning this way for their feelings of guilt regarding them.

In contrast to this, today it is the opposite. All of the nations of the world are accusing Israel and have no regrets about the six million Jews that were killed in World War II. Soon, there won’t be any nation left that supports us or votes for us in the United Nations or in other international organizations.

The charges against Israel lately have become an accepted correction by everyone. Some accuse us more, some less, and soon the nations will begin to compete over who will bring more complaints against us. We will be ostracized by all of the nations of the world, and no attempts to evade this will help us.

First, the nations of the world expect only one thing from us: We must show them an example of connection and unity [1]. The world urgently needs unity. Otherwise, it will become unbalanced. The Jews again have become a stumbling block, a point around which everything revolves, or the general and only reason for all of the troubles of the world.

Second, the higher power has come into play directly and is working with us through the other peoples. We must carry out our historical mission in any case, but this will be through blows because we don’t want to carry it out in a good way voluntarily.

In a manner like this, all of the nations of the world who are being pushed by the higher power again will strike us on all levels: mentally, materially, and physically.

If we don’t attract the Creator [2] toward us, don’t bring Him closer to our world and don’t stimulate His discovery in the world, then the evil forces will appear, and they will lead us to His discovery, but it will happen in a long way full of difficult suffering. How much are we involved with revealing the Creator to all of the nations of the world? Are we trying to learn a lesson from history? Are we trying to find a logical answer for this? No.

Question: We established the nation of Israel after World War II.

Answer: This right was bought with our blood in order to create a proper nation here, a single people that would become a Light for all peoples and bring them a method of unification that would include an integral and global world. However, in the end, we didn’t act in this direction, and in this way we invited more separation in the world.

Question: Were we given a time period for this and now it’s ending?

Answer: The time period already ended decades ago. We now have entered into the stage of realizing this.
Unfortunately, the Holocaust [3] didn’t teach us anything.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/1/16

Related Material:
Europe Commemorates International Holocaust Remembrance Day [4]
Immigrants, Angels Of Anti-Semitism [5]
Why Does The World Blame Israel? [6]