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Freud’s Birthday

Comment: 160 years have gone by since the birth of Sigmund Freud. Many great Jews who transformed the world were born in the 19th century, including Freud, Marx, and Einstein.

Attitude: The second half of the 19th century was the golden age of Europe, a period full of the flowering of all of humanity! But after the revolution in Russia, after the First and Second World Wars, national opposition and resistance began and instead of scientific and psychological discoveries, instead of cultural understandings, technology began to work for the sake of war, annihilation, subjugation, etc.

Ultimately everything was revealed as a phenomenon of the complete alienation of humanity from itself. And today we are “reaping these fruits.” We have again immersed into complex states. Compared to the 19th century, our 21st is certainly losing everything!

Question: How do you relate to the psychology that Sigmund Freud established?

Answer: These were magnificent attempts of making inquiries about a person’s inner world, although they are certainly fragmented and not based upon precise internal studies since the “psyche,” meaning the soul [1], doesn’t belong to science, on the one hand. On the other hand, it directs all of human activity, all thoughts, everything that stands behind our attitude toward us and the world. It stands behind all of our thinking: how we behave, how we relate to each other, how we receive signals from the outside, how we send signals from inside.

So a great leap was expected from this area for solving questions that a person must know: What is it that directs him, what are his internal instincts, drives, and movements, and what kinds of relationships does he have with his parents, relatives, himself, and the Creator [2]? All of these create a basis for understanding what motivates a person.

In principle, a person needs psychology very much, especially in our time when we are found in constant contact with each other. But psychology cannot be a science. We cannot rely on it; we cannot bring it to the entire system.

Ultimately nothing came from it, even though materialistic psychology did very great work. It took the person out of fragmentary and complex images about himself, about the Creator, about religion, about the subconscious and about the unconscious. It “died” successfully in spite of all this.

Here the wisdom of Kabbalah [3] is essential for us because only it is involved with the study of the soul, entering our animal soul as well, in which we are working when we are found in this world. So Freud did great work and had good followers.

Comment: I would like to read a few of Freud’s catchphrases and have you respond to them. He wrote: “We don’t choose each other by chance. We meet only those who already exist in our subconscious.”

Answer: Of course! This is because otherwise we don’t see others. We see and react only to what has already been prepared in us from the start.

Question: Is that the way we choose a mate?

Answer: Yes! All of this was already registered from the start.

Comment: “The task of making a person happy was not included in the program of the creation of the world.”

Response: Making a person happy in the egoistic sense, as we imagine to ourselves in this world, no, not in any way! On the contrary, the task of the Creator is to show a person that he is found in a miserable world to push him so that he will raise himself to the level of true happiness.

Comment: “We enter the world alone and we leave it alone.”

Response: This truism is understood by all. Yet I don’t think that we enter into the world alone because we are naturally connected to that body from which we were born. But we leave the world absolutely alone. Already in old age, before death, we feel completely torn and detached from others.

Question: And if, a person begins to study the wisdom of Kabbalah?

Answer: The wisdom of Kabbalah, on the contrary, links the person with all of creation, with all of the souls: present, past, and future. above time, beyond everything! It’s completely different, not according to the teachings of Freud.

Comment: “You never stop searching for power and security on the outside. But you must search for them within yourself. They were always there.”

Response: There is no power in a person, he only has a tiny egoistic force through whose help it is up to him to understand that he completely lacks power and he can receive the correct force only from the Creator.

He receives both the inflexible, dark egoistic force and the bright and great altruistic force from the Creator. And with their help, like two legs, he climbs the ladder, he rises up to a state of absolute happiness in which these two opposing forces connect together and create his soul.

Comment: “The masses have never known a thirst for the truth. They require delusions without which they cannot live.”

Response: This is correct. But these illusions must be replaced by the discovery of the truth. However, the truth will not be discovered by the masses but by spiritual leaders, a spiritual aristocracy that is found above them. The masses will simply cling to them and will be nourished by them to attain spiritual truths, but passively, like the head and body of one spiritual creature. That is how Judea still was before the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash (Temple) and we are now returning to this.

Comment: You will certainly agree with the saying that, “Every person has desires that he doesn’t tell to others, as well as desires that he doesn’t even admit to himself.”

Response: That could be, but not with a Kabbalist. A Kabbalist rises above envy, above insults, and especially above shame. The moment he begins to understand that everything within him was created by the Creator and he is himself an empty puppet that the Creator manages, he no longer associates himself to any instincts, thoughts, movements, and even the most despicable acts.

So if he works within himself, he can say clearly that everything within him comes from the Creator, and even his correct behavior today also comes from Him. So we have nothing personal within us, nothing!

If a person is not a Kabbalist, he certainly always has something to hide; he cannot get rid of the feeling of shame, self-criticism, and so forth. But if he attributes everything to the Creator, then in that point where he merges with Him, he becomes like a fetus in his mother’s womb and is not aware of what he has to hide, if all of this is the creation.

Comment: It follows that if everything comes from the Creator, it is possible to justify everything that way.

Response: First it is necessary to attain a direct connection with the Creator, and then from this it is possible to justify the situation.

Comment: “It is typical for a person to appreciate and want what he cannot attain above everything.”

Response: Certainly, because in the framework of our world we cannot achieve everything we want; I am not a painter, not an author, not a dramatist, not a great scientist, not a billionaire. Generally I am not this or that or that. So in this world there are very many limitations to the realization of my “self.”

But a person is given the possibility of exiting to the upper world, to the world of the wisdom of Kabbalah. There he can attain the infinite world in which he will begin to receive all the great desires that exist in creation and to fulfill them. So the wisdom of Kabbalah is called the wisdom of fulfillment.

Comment: “The person never refuses anything; he simply replaces one pleasure for another pleasure.”

Response: This is completely correct. The same thing exists in the wisdom of Kabbalah. We exchange small, temporary, meaningless pleasures of our world for the one eternal, infinite, absolute, and complete pleasure of the upper world.

Comment: “Before you have diagnosed yourself with depression and low self-esteem, make sure that you are not surrounded by idiots.”

Answer: A person always evaluates himself in relation to others. But this is not enough. Today we exist in such a world in which we are beginning to feel great depression, even without seeing it in others. A person no longer is measured in relation to those around him, but in relation to the next level to which we must ascend. So it is not enough for a person to equalize himself with those around him. What does it matter to him if they are suffering or not? And me?!

In this case, my “self” leaves the general society in that it demands its personal and unique realization. Here it will no longer help me to look among those “idiots” around me.

I am depressed not because of them, but because within me appears a true desire to ascend to the next level, not to realize myself with those around me, but with the Creator, with the higher level, to attain the true meaning of existence and to realize myself on the level of eternity, infinity, wholeness! This desire is latent in us. So the world is immersed today in such a depression. So Freud’s advice no longer works.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/8/16

Related Material:
Kabbalah And Jungian Psychology [4]
The Psychology Of The Spiritual World [5]
The Materialistic Psychology Of Love [6]