A New World War Is Already Underway

laitman_272Comment: The head of the EuroAsian Economic Community (EurAsEC) Institute published a lengthy article in which he said that a world war is already underway, but not on the level of nations as was in previous centuries; rather, it is on the level of what is called the global marketplace.

In the article, he describes very accurately that terrorists and mercenaries will physically fall in this war. Nations are named in whose territory there will be civil wars. He even paints their goals of global domination.

Answer: War will not disappear, it just transforms from a revealed to a more hidden form with different technological methods.

With the end of the Second World War, the development of markets began, and their leaders moved to the front of the stage. The magnates at the top of the economic pyramid created major corporations that are above all politics. They have their own point of view about the world.

Question: Do they manage the physical world?

Answer: They don’t manage anything. They insert their changes according to how the higher management changes the world.

Underlying all is the upper force that conducts its effect on the world through us. On the other hand, being in the world, its effect influences us!

As a result, working with both sides, through us and through the world, it teaches us what we should be, understanding it through the drop-down world, through our reaction to it, through our impact on the world and its response to us. This is how it teaches us all the time.

Its mission is to lead us to ensure that we become equal, similar, and equivalent to it.

Question: That is, we have no freedom because the upper force presses on us from both sides?

Answer: Certainly! Freedom is just recognizing that there is no freedom and to find ourselves in it. In other words, because this power is complete and singular, by wanting to follow it and be like it, by learning to consciously repeat and discover all of your deviations from its behavior, you study yourself, and in this manner you are constantly directed toward it correctly!

You see how you grow and understand with whom you are working, as a tango.

The task of humanity is to enter into this tango with the Creator. All of the wars, suffering, and blows of nature are pushing us toward this.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 4/5/16

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