We Are Building Our Spiritual Life Here!

laitman_528_01Question: How do we organize ourselves in a state of spiritual Ubar (Fetus), and the group as a uterus within which this Ubar develops?

Answer: It is up to us to build ourselves from nothing. The Creator brings me to a group and says to me that I must build my spiritual life here! Now, it is up to me to build myself as an Ubar and make a uterus out of the group. This is the only thing that is given to me.

It is up to me to build a society around myself that I will use as a uterus or an incubator, meaning that it will support me constantly and be an example for me, a standard for the higher level, the state of perfection. I will be able to exist within this environment on condition that I constantly open a connection that is directed more and more toward the higher perfect level.

It is up to me to build all of this by myself. After all, I am in a state where I have nothing. There is no Creator. There is only His essence, a force that I do not know. I must form all of this with my own hands.

Question: By what means do I build an environment for myself? Is it just by calling upon everyone to appreciate the property of bestowal?

Answer: There are many articles by Rabash that are dedicated to building the group. It is only necessary to fulfill his instructions and build it. However, I need to build myself in two forms. I build the higher level, the group, for myself, and I build the Ubar, the lower level, for the group.

The Ubar is all of us together. We lower and nullify ourselves, each of us in regard to the group, the friends. The Ubar is also our common co-creation. Through nullifying ourselves we can connect together.

The group is the higher level. It is also the commonality between us, but already in the form of bestowal. The more we love the group, elevating it, perceiving it as whole and great, the more we inflate it around us and can exist within it.

Both the Ubar and the uterus are built by the Ohr Makif (Surrounding Light), the Light that Reforms. However, our work on two opposite forms is required for this. Sometimes, it is directed downward toward nullifying the self. That is how we build the point of Malchut. Sometimes, it is directed upward for building the Keter. The Keter we build is linked to a higher level.

We are summarizing now everything that we have been learning for many years about the group. We have gone over those articles many times, but notice how many of these concepts have not succeeded in penetrating our hearts. We constantly hear about the structure of the group, but it still is difficult for us to digest these principles.

When we explain this to the general public, we must understand that they are much further away from these concepts. After all, we are very familiar with the spiritual states. There have been numerous spiritual changes that have happened within us and we still have not ascended the spiritual ladder.

The preparatory period before the first spiritual level is very long, but we are at its end. We just must understand that it is necessary to relate to the external public with love and understanding, giving them explanations drop by drop.
From the 3rd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 2/12/14, Talmud Eser Sefirot

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