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“You Shall Bring Forth Water For Them From the Rock”

The Torah, “Numbers,” 20:7 – 20:8: The Lord spoke to Moses, saying: Take the staff and assemble the congregation, you and your brother Aaron, and speak to the rock in their presence so that it will give forth its water. You shall bring forth water for them from the rock and give the congregation and their livestock to drink.

Moses was supposed to “speak to the rock” so that it would give water. Instead, he hit it with his staff. In other words, instead of praying or raising MAN, he sinned (the property of judgment). Each sin is always followed by a punishment.

“Telling the rock” means raising the prayer, correctly connecting egoism [1] with the qualities of the Creator [2], Bina. In this case, Moses could have received the properties of the Upper Light [3] and with its help, made new steps towards correction and elevation.

“Staff” (“mate” – derives from “Matah”) means “of higher or lower importance,” it is an indicator of human advancement. When one takes a staff and raises it above the earth, it means that one will act by “faith above reason,” will rise above oneself.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/24/15

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The Attribute Of Bestowal: The Force That Revives Everything [4]
A Man’s Talk With A Rock [5]
Guiding Staff [6]