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Men And Women Studying Kabbalah

Question: Does gender, age, or nationality influence the study of Kabbalah?

Answer: No, only desire does.

But there is a difference in the attitude and in the way of climbing the spiritual ladder that stems from a person’s attributes and especially from whether it is a man or a woman. [1]

Just as men and women in our world differ in their perception of reality and in their advancement and in their actions, they also differ when it comes to the wisdom of Kabbalah [2].

Question: What is the role of women in the wisdom of Kabbalah?

Answer: It is the same as the men’s role. There is no difference! There are simply personal differences between men and women, just like in our world.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 9/27/15

Related Material:
The Mother’s Way [3]
Female Desire And Male Intention [4]
On Equality And Precedence [5]