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Bureaucracy In The Health System

Comment: There is a lot of talk now about the terrible bureaucratic situation in the healthcare system in Israel.

Answer: Doctors are generally the weakest organizers and business managers.

So, the treatment of people becomes a problem too because everything depends on proper organization. The healthcare system must administer the business, then everything will be better. A free or semi-trade union for the healthcare system is not effective.

Question: Won’t paying for medicine cause a public uproar?

Answer: Instead of general population paying for their healthcare, I would charge healthcare [1] system for every shekel invested into it, so that they truly work for the benefit of people and treat them the way they should. This would be much more effective.

Today, our world is organized according to egoistic principles, and the healthcare system must be reorganized precisely according to that. Otherwise, we won’t achieve anything. If we were to introduce socialist principles into an egoistic world, they immediately would devour the entire system.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 11/18/15

Related Material:
Under The Authority Of Money [2]
Medicine: A Profitable Business [3]
Healthcare For One’s Pocket [4]