Refugees: What Will Happen To Europe? Part 1

laitman_424_02The Verdict On Personal Space

Question: Why did the stream of refugees to Europe become specifically so massive now?

Answer: A very special situation has developed today with the whole world taking on a new global form. Borders are becoming blurred, statehood is undermined, and all forms of sectoral divisions are dying out. Everything is intermixing, everyone is becoming merged with everyone else and being interspersed among everyone in terms of living space.

We will need to make sense of this new format and understand how to live with it from now on. Before, the accepted canon was one single nation, living in one place with its own religion, its own laws and culture, with the succession of generations, and so on. But now we are standing on the threshold of a world that looks nothing like the previous one. All boundaries and limitations are disappearing.

It is very uncomfortable and frightening. “I do not want to live in such a world. I hope that my children are better prepared for it.” This is how a person who grew up in totally different conditions thinks.

And indeed, how does one accept the loss of their own cozy nook, the loss of no free space left on this earth just for me alone?

It would be nice to shut myself off in my own room, equipped with everything I need so that there would be no need to go outside. There, I feel safe with nobody around me and nobody invading my personal space.

But even such escape seems unattainable. People will not be left with even 10 square meters of their own. Why? Because we have to change our nature. I need to truly exit from my egoism, my internal boundaries, and from that cube in the depths of consciousness that seems to me as my own little room that is inaccessible to anyone else. This is what is going to be taken away from me.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/27/15

Related Material:
The Refugee Crisis In Europe
What Will Happen To Europe?
Europe’s Future Is In Our Hands!


  1. Europe is being invaded, she must defend herself just as Israel does

  2. Israel gives a bad example to the world with the refugees. Why?

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