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From State To State

Question: Suppose that I blame a friend for not being nice to me. On the other hand, I understand that this is the Creator [1]. These two situations—between the Creator and the form through which He sends me everything—really tear me apart. Where is the turning point, the place where the two things connect?

Answer: When some negative thought appears in me regarding a friend, this is a result of the egoism [2] that is growing within me. Nothing has changed, except for the ego (desire). Desire is the only component that changes in all of creation. In each one of us, it grows gradually both qualitatively and quantitatively.

When desire increases, I begin to feel new feelings regarding my friends, and in general, they are negative. If I don’t do anything, they work on me, and it is absolutely possible that they will take me out of this state. Or, I do something and my situation changes that way. In both cases, the states are changed into opposite states. From above, I am let to understand how quickly everything can transform and how my opinion regarding the friends can transform from negative to positive, and later, vice versa. That is how we are taught.

From us only one thing is to be achieved:that we will create an image, a system, an example of the ideal higher state within us, and we will yearn for it, wanting to realize it among us, including it within us so that we become not “we” but “one.” This means that we won’t just become connected together. Rather, we will work as a single body so much so that the “we” disappears. There is no summation. Rather, there is “one” that includes everything within it.

We know that ten components of creation connect harmoniously between us on the lowest level. They are equal in value to one, a single component of creation on the next level. Within it, the ego grows and again creates another ten components from one point that work on themselves, integrate together, rise to the next level, and then they transform into a single unit there. This is the order of growth of the levels.
So, we always need to see this pattern until it becomes our internal state, really to the feeling that we are living within it, existing within it.

Question: When the transition from ten to one is felt to a particular degree, you also begin to understand that it could not be otherwise. This means that all the bad states are intentionally sent by the Creator to then feel His goodness and His care.

Answer: This happens because feelings grow in you like this for observations and new characteristics that you could not feel before.

Question: Sometimes I am in these states for a day, two days, a week, and sometimes move through them in seconds. How is it possible to hasten this process? How does one turn toward the Creator correctly?

Answer: Don’t ever be sorry about that state you are in. Even the best state will pass as quickly as possible and will transform into a higher state. You don’t want to delay any one of them, not even for a second. It is impossible to stop the moment. Otherwise, you come to the adversary, like Doctor Faustus.

Question: There are such states that simply fall and pile up on me, and I don’t even have enough time to clarify and understand them. What is happening to me?

Answer: This is not important. After that, you will clarify things. Sometimes, it is impossible to correctly grasp your state, even on the next level, rather only through a few levels. Sometimes, what you already have passed through begins to be perceived and realized after ten years have passed. Don’t worry. The main thing is the acceleration.
From the World Zohar Week “Integral Education Convention” Day Three 2/4/14 [3], Workshop 5

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