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Add Your Sesame Seed To Shift The Balance In The World’s Favor

Baal HaSulam, “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee) [1]” Section 20: Thus, each and every Mitzva that each person from Israel performs in order to bring contentment to one’s Maker, and not for any self-gratification, helps, to some extent, with the development of all the people of the world. This is because it is not done at once, but by slow, gradual development, until it increases to such a degree that it can bring all the people in the world to the desired purity. And this is what our sages call “shifting the balance to virtue,” meaning that the necessary weight of purity has been reached. And they compare it to weighing on a scale, where the shifting of the balance is the attainment of the desired weight.

These are very serious conditions. There are people who are more ready to comply with them, and there are those who are less ready. This depends on their previous preparation. It depends on their past and the root of their soul. There are people who cannot comply with this, and they leave. When a person comes to study, in the first years, he doesn’t hear what they say to him, and it is good that he doesn’t hear! Therefore the wisdom of Kabbalah [2] was concealed for so long so people wouldn’t know about the serious conditions.

Specifically because of this condition, the Shevira (Breaking [3]) happened, the destruction of the First and Second Temples. Therefore, we needed to move away from the place of Shevira because we were not ready to withstand it. So, we were forced to endure exile for 2,000 years to gradually get closer to the condition due to which the great people fell in the days of the Beit ha Mikdash (Temple).

In our day, we have reached readiness, and we have received all the explanations from Baal HaSulam in the article “The Arvut (Mutual Guarantee)” so directly and openly that it places us facing this condition such that there is nowhere to flee. But even after all of this, people who come to study don’t absorb what is said at all in the first ten years.

But at least they are near these things because throughout previous incarnations they were far from discovery, and the message has been revealed now, even though, in the meantime, they are not absorbing it. There is still resistance. There is contact, but it is not yet internal. And later these words gradually begin to penetrate into a person through disappointments, various unpleasant problems. and events.

They must continue in spite of everything, and the Light will continue to work.

The environment obligates a person, gives him various tasks, sending him to disseminate [4], to various duties. It awakens and obligates him. He must do his duty, otherwise they won’t let him rest. So, this is very influential on him and advances him, hastening his development, and finally he begins to see that he has no choice and that spirituality is not at all the way he used to think about it, and he doesn’t attain and is unable to attain true spirituality.

He begins to understand that everything is determined by emotion and not intellect, but it is impossible to control emotions. He is not dependent on us, but only on the Light that Reforms, which changes a person’s feelings, his desire. So, gradually, he digests these concepts: what the love [5] of others truly is and how impossible it is to attain it on one’s own; it depends entirely on the Light that Reforms.

So, he begins to organize all of his activities so that the Light will influence him and correct him. This is a great revolution that happens in a person after many years within the group in the process of correction, study, and dissemination, and the entire world must go through all of this.

But it is up to us to understand that every action we make adds to the favorable balance of the entire world. In the integral system, nothing happens to me individually without being felt by everyone. At the end of correction, what we did for everyone and what everyone did will be revealed. We will have a common understanding and common sense, and all of us will be able to feel this entire system together. Each one will be equivalent to the entire system.

Then, in exactly what form each one within this entire system acts for the good of others will be discovered. They will not take into account how they brought the person down from above, pushed him, and what the conditions were that he was given. Rather, it will be what the efforts were that he invested in the conditions that they gave him and whether he realized his freedom of choice [6].

All of this will be revealed at the end of correction, and each one will be ashamed [7] of himself due to the achievements of his friend. This is how we correct the shame that is rooted in us and is the cause for the evolution of all the worlds.
From the Preparation for the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/4/14 [8]

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