We Are All Autistic In Some Way

Laitman_032_01Comment: I sometimes meet parents whose children have been diagnosed as being on the autistic spectrum and the parents refuse to accept it. But the child needs a different approach and the parents have to change their attitude.

Answer: I don’t think this is necessary. I observe today’s children and I actually don’t see any of them behaving normally according to a scale on which 100 points would be considered normal behavior. We are all abnormal in some sense and in each of us there is a diversion of 10% – 20% up or down the scale.

At least 20% of our society finds it hard to manage to work in the framework of social communications. Unfortunately, today’s society doesn’t allow a person to develop properly and to feel good, to find the answers to questions and not to be shy about asking them. We become introverted and thus build ourselves by withdrawing into ourselves more and more as if inside a cocoon. The result is a  “normal” human being.

I believe that minor autistic attributes in children that have been diagnosed by the scrutinizing eyes of experts should not be highlighted in a child who lives in a regular environment. He will gradually adjust himself to it and will find his place in society if he is treated in a pleasant, friendly manner under its more or less right influence. Therefore, this isn’t a problem for hidden autistic people and neither for us.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 7/9/15

Related Material:
Autism – An Index For Examining Society
An Autistic Child In A Regular Classroom
Autistic Children: The Environment Determines Everything

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