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War: A Search For Connection

Question: Is war a search for connection between people?

Answer: When people cannot reach agreement between them, they don’t just distance themselves from each other, but begin all kinds of conflicts. This means that if there is not a good connection, it becomes a bad connection.

So, both civil wars and wars between nations are a search for some kind of connection, either good or bad, but all of us are egoists. We cannot determine some kind of defined general rules between us, some kind of connecting formula. and war helps us with this.

The fact that in the 20th century wars became international indicates that the entire world is searching for union [1] because it must reach a global state, back to its roots.

Question: But humanity assumes the opposite, that war is a severing of connection.

Answer: No, along with this, some kind of particular transformation of order happens. We Jews, unfortunately, are a type of egoist such that we still are not ready to move from ego to union immediately.

The connection between all of the peoples who are in conflict must be discovered as a result of our work. If the people of Israel [2] won’t show an example of connection and union, then only one thing is left: war. Then, all of the people blame us that all of the wars in the world happen because of the Jews. And this is correct because we aren’t making it possible for them to unite among themselves. This is because the glue that connects all of humanity together, which is the characteristic of bestowal [3] and love, is only found with us.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation” 6/23/15

Related Material:
A War Between Good And Evil [4]
Is The War Against Terrorists Or Concealment? [5]
Israel: Hope For A New Life [6]