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An Ideal Partner For Everyone

In the News (inosmi.ru [1]):The popular saying that people prefer to marry someone from the surrounding area is still correct in the sense that we search for someone who will be similar to us in terms of living environment, lifestyle and social and economic environment regardless of whether this is a man or a woman.

“That is how people particularly mark a line on dating sites, generally drawn to those who have the same characteristics.

“Opposites are not attracted that much. And if we extend the logic of ‘berries from the same field,’ it follows that your ideal mate is someone who is found with you throughout your life, meaning yourself. So does it follow that a person is sentenced to solitude?”

My Comment: If you can reach a goal [2] only together and only with full union, so you require a mate. Only the importance of attaining the ultimate goal will invite someone not due to instinctive desire but for the purposeful desire of marriage, family [3], and love [4].

Related Material:
In Love, Similarities Attract [5]
“Loneliness Epidemic” [6]
Opposites Do Not Attract [7]