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Competition: Two Sides Of The Same Coin

Question: How does the wisdom of Kabbalah [1] relate to competition?

Answer: According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, competition is very important. As it is said, “The envy of sages increases wisdom.” I believe that it is vital. What could we achieve if there were no competition? The great inventors, Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison, for example, made great discoveries in the field of electrical engineering and invented the dynamo generators, devices operating on alternating current, etc.

Interestingly, many great discoveries that have been very beneficial for mankind stemmed from childish competition and the desire not to let others be ahead of you. At the same time, scientists are not really interested in money but want to determine their self: “I will prove that I am better.”

It is impossible to succeed without competition. Real competition always leads to the emergence of a new attribute.

Competition is very beneficial, even for children.

However, everything must be within the normal egoistic limits that we understand: “I wish to learn from others.” To learn from others means to be like them. However, to be like them means to compete against yourself in order to reach a certain level.

Therefore, there are two types of competition. It can be competition that motivates and competition that kills. There is always the element of envy in it, but the question is whether I wish to crush my competitor or whether, thanks to his example, I want to be like him or even greater. This is the reason that there are both positive and negative aspects to competition.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 6/17/15

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Competition As An Engine For Social Development [2]
Success Is A Relative Concept [3]
Useful Competition [4]