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Einstein: Good Or Bad?

Question: How do we grow a new Einstein?

Answer: It does not depend on us, and it is unlikely that we need it. Mr. Einstein didn’t do anything good for us; moreover, he helped build the atomic bomb and told us that there are properties in our world that we cannot understand.

It would have been better if he and the rest of the nuclear physicists had done nothing. We would survive well without nuclear power and certainly without the atomic bomb. Therefore, we do not need an Einstein or a generation of spiritual leaders.

I believe that the science of the 20th century did not benefit mankind, but not to deny its achievements, science did quite a lot. However, in fact, almost all of it has turned against us. Of course, we aren’t working as hard as before. We have washing machines to replace the hard work of washerwomen. Huge companies manufacture semi-finished products, and we are ready to buy food that only needs to be heated up in the microwave.

This is all clear, but what does this give us? What do we do with the remaining time that we have? We fill ourselves with even more worries, and as a result we are depleting the earth of its natural resources.

I don’t see that people have become happier in our century. People used to listen to music, went to the theater, were interested in literature and read thick novels. Today, a person can read only two lines and can’t read more. If the first few minutes of a film doesn’t catch his interest, he turns the television off.

How did it come to this? In what way is a person happier today than he was a century ago? In the fact that now he doesn’t work so hard? But what is it that relieved him from work?

It turns out that the “Einsteins” brought us nothing but harm, although they were good people.

Despite the fact that I love science and strongly welcome it, I cannot say that science mixes with the selfishness [1] of man. Einstein turning out an evil bomb is not good. Therefore, we must correct man first, and then develop science. Otherwise, we will develop it to our own detriment.

I would gladly go back one hundred years and instead of science, introduce compulsory integral education [2] for everyone. Only to the extent that it could help mankind would I allow people to develop science. Then science would benefit humanity. As a result of integral education, a person must come to feel the whole world and that it is one single unit. Then his research would never have resulted in the creation of the bomb. He simply could not do anything harmful to us, the same way as any man who aspires to do what is useful.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 5/13/15

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