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Code Of Spiritual Information

The Torah, “Numbers” 3:40 – 3:42”: The Lord said to Moses: Count every firstborn male aged one month and upward of the children of Israel, and take the number of their names.

And you shall take the Levites for Me I am the Lord instead of all first-borns among the children of Israel. And [take] the Levites’ animals instead of all the firstborn animals of the children of Israel.

So Moses counted every firstborn of Israel, as the Lord had commanded him.

Question: What do these calculations mean?

Answer: When we assemble some device that usually consists of two opposite properties and create various combinations out of these two opposite properties, we have to clearly define the qualities of every junction between them.

There is the Light and the darkness, the desire to bestow and love, and the will to receive and hate. We have to create various combinations of them. This is what everything consists of.

Numbers are a very straightforward expression of a spiritual level; states and properties that cannot be explained any other way. How can we express spiritual properties? This can only be done numerically.

Numbers express the degree of the property of bestowal [1] (the screen [2]) compared to the intensity of the will to receive. This includes the height and the three lines. This  number, like any other code, carries certain information; in this case, the numbers define the coordinates of the camp: what line each one comes from, what tribe one belongs to, i.e., definitions of height and width.

Also, the code bears the information about the number of the components (private souls), their qualities and junctions among them. However, none of these parts possess personal properties since each property can be revealed only through interaction with others because it serves the property of bestowal.

This makes it impossible to talk about some person. In this world, we verbally describe somebody; however, in spirituality all that can be said about one is one’s ability to give, one’s benevolence that is oriented towards bestowal. This is the only parameter in accordance to which the strength of one’s qualities can be measured.

As a result, we end up with a numeric code, and a person in spiritual attainment understands what it means.

In general, the entire Torah is written through various sensory and numeric codes as well as the codes that denote various forces. How else can we describe things that cannot be explained by the words of this world? That’s why the language of Kabbalah [3] is the language of forces and multiple vectors. Of course, not all understand it; not everyone can see the genuine picture of the world behind these schemes since we transmit them as images rather than vectors.

For example, if a computer doesn’t work properly, instead of a meadow, wood, or sky we see some characters on the screen. How can you see the picture if you don’t know the meaning of the characters? But if you attune yourself correctly to their perception, you won’t have to see the picture at all. Instead, you’ll sense the meadow, the wood, or the sky. It is the same with the numbers.

This is how new properties and sensations are created. We have to orient ourselves to the perception of spiritual vectors: bestowal – receiving, love – hatred. But this level is unavailable to us, yet.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 12/31/14

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