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A Nation United By A Common Idea

Question: Where will the future society initially be founded?

Answer: Such a society must be founded in Israel [1] by the Jewish people and those who join them. History shows us that this is a special nation that has already partly fulfilled the system of unity after the exodus from Egypt and for thousands of years since the receiving of the Torah until the destruction of the Second Temple. This nation has already been in this state.

Before the receiving of the Torah [2] 500-600 years ago, some of the people in Babylon left it led by Abraham [3]; they went through Egypt and underwent different events in becoming the nation of Israel. At first they were a small group of people who belonged to different tribes and sects who agreed to live under the condition of “love thy neighbor as thyself.”

Question: What does this agreement mean: is it recognition, an understanding, that there is no other choice? What pushed this group to decide to agree to such unity?

Answer: Several factors are involved here, which the wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about. The first and major factor is called Reshimo (recorded data), when people feel internally that they wish to attain the meaning of life, not of the corporeal earthly life but of the existence of the whole universe. This is the reason that such people get together and these are the people that Abraham called to follow him. They were not few, actually several thousands. Abraham led them to the land of Canaan and as thy advanced towards it they become increasingly more united and thus fulfilled the method of unity. This is how he founded a new nation that was not one of all the other nations in the world.

Basically there are 70 nations in the world. One may argue that there are three times as many countries in the world, but it makes no difference. It is about the roots of the nations, which are basically 70. The nation of Israel is an exception because it isn’t managed by the principle of corporeal physical existence but by the principle of the mutual spiritual connection between its people. This mutual connection raises people above all the corporeal differences and contradictions and connects them according to another virtue: complete mutual cooperation for the sake of revealing the attribute of love and bestowal among them.
From KabTV’s “About Our Life” 5/18/15

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