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The Family Revolution

Question: Why do I need a family?

Answer: It is no accident that the family [1] is in crisis today. This should prompt us to check and study our life critically. As a result, we should come to the conclusion that the whole world should be like one family.

Throughout the world, a crisis of the family is taking place. And it will be more intensified as long as we do not decide that the general and individual must be equal.

That is, we need to take care of one large family in the whole world, to unite all the billions of people into one family. Only then can we understand the principles of how to build our individual family and how these families should be connected with each other.

We have to go through a crisis in order to realize that we need a new ideal approach, integral and global. We will hold on to the family not because of convenience and not because of the food and customs we are used to from childhood.

The family will receive an additional higher value because we will establish good relations in it and between families, bringing them together in an increasingly extensive family, community. And because of this, we will advance to a new life, to the revelation of the upper force of nature [2] between us.

A man is connected to his wife through their children, habits, debts, and household. But now we need to feel that we are connected with all other families in the same way: by shared debt, advantages and disadvantages. After all, we have entered into an integral world, and we have a joint account with respect to the higher forces of nature. We are required to connect all families in one family.

Either we come to the realization ourselves, or we will have to go through a lot of blows through which we will eventually understand that the present crisis is designed to oblige us to establish a new connection between ourselves. It is not enough to improve connections within one’s family. We will not be able to maintain family ties, raise children properly, and live in harmony within the family if we do not decide that we have to achieve the consent of the general atmosphere of a family around the world, or at least within the nation.

This principle will determine the education [3] we give children at home, in schools, and kindergartens, and will determine the values of our society. It will be in the air like a common opinion.

Thus, I think that the institution of the family will have to go through a great revolution to bring us to a new level, to a new look at human nature and our life on earth. We have to completely change ourselves.

The family is the most ancient foundation that accompanies the human being throughout his evolution. Even at a time when the ape had not yet come down from the trees, the family already existed. But now it’s time for great qualitative changes, after which we will rise to a new degree, indeed to the level of the human being.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 2/15/15

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There Is No Place More Comfortable Than Home [4]
Family In The 21st Century: Update [5]
The Family As The Center Of The Universe [6]