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Slavery In The Modern World

In the News (from facte.ru [1]): “What is slavery in the modern world? It is about economic slavery and continuous coerced work:

  1. Since the money [2] a modern slave has is always enough for only one month, the modern slave is forced to work his whole life until his death.
  2. The creation of artificial demand for products that one seemingly needs by advertising forces the slave to buy.
  3. Modern slaves are drawn deeper and deeper into bondage by a credit system, through a mechanism loan interest creating a pyramid of debt.
  4. The myth of the state: the money in the slaves’pockets goes into the pockets of the slave owners.
  5. Inflation: the rise of prices but not the rise of the slaves’ wages leads to the invisible robbery of the slaves.
  6. Denying the slaves the means to purchase real estate in another city or state forces modern slaves to work in one factory that was built in their city and to suffer from the bad conditions.
  7. Concealing information about the real cost of the slaves work, the slaves lack of supervision as to the extra profits that the slave owner takes for himself.”

My Comment: The revelation of the true state of the society that develops as a result of growing egoism [3] and the greater recognition of the dead-end that our evolution has reached will force society to make changes, while the search and the lack of a solution will lead to the acceptance of the new integral education [4] method that the wisdom of Kabbalah [5] offers to re-educate man and society.

Related Material:
Modern Slavery [6]
The Right To Life, Not To Slavery! [7]
Slaves To Work [8]