Painless Childbirth?

Laitman_186The Midrash “BeShalach”: “The Egyptians were defeated by the ten plagues on the sea just as they were defeated by the ten plagues in Egypt. The ten plagues on the Red Sea are not described in details in the Midrash (“The Great Commentary”).

All the attributes and the revelations that are described in the oral Torah are necessary for one’s birth in the spiritual world just as the labor pains and the preparation process for childbirth are. Without what we call such Gevurot (rigid forces) and constraint, the connection between the mother and the newborn wouldn’t be revealed.

During this process different hormones and forces are extracted that later help a child grow. Therefore, children who are born in a natural process are more complete than children who come into the world by a cesarean section.

In other words, the exodus from Egypt cannot take place any other way since it symbolizes a person’s birth into the new spiritual world, into the attribute of bestowal, in which he doesn’t feel himself inside a body anymore, although it still exists.

Therefore, there cannot be a smooth birth, and as a result childbirth in our world isn’t smooth either. But if we didn’t intervene in the birth process by different surgical devices and catalysts, which seemingly ease the delivery process, children would be born much healthier. All these devices are unnecessary. We will gradually understand how inefficient they are and will begin to limit their use.

Question: But is the labor pain really necessary?

Answer: Yes, but it depends on the mother. If she has proper spiritual preparation for childbirth, she will not feel pain. There will be pressures but pressures like doubts and like clarifications. She will go “through the water like on land.”

On every level all the spiritual transitions are a kind of birth.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/30/14

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