First Escape Velocity

laitman_233Question: What is the upper world that I can feel if I can develop a system of an additional perception of reality?

Answer: The spiritual world is called the upper world because it is higher than the material world according to its properties. The properties of the spiritual world are bestowal and love—something that is above our own egoism.

This means that I must exit my egoism in the same sense as a rocket that overcomes the Earth’s gravity when it goes into orbit. Much energy must be spent in order to accomplish this.

When a satellite is in orbit, in free flight, the gravitational force pulls the satellite toward the center of Earth. However, a competing force allowing the satellite to push away from Earth neutralizes it.

This means that we need the kind of force that can push us away from our egoism. Egoism pulls us toward itself, wishing to lock us internally; this is why we are so connected to the material world and cannot separate from it.

Technically, this problem can be resolved by creating such powerful engines that would be capable of lifting us off. In order to escape the gravitational field of Earth, one must reach certain speeds called the first escape velocity (4.97 mi/sec) or the second escape velocity (6.96 mi/sec).

Then, it is possible to orbit the Earth without feeling its attraction. Thus, we neutralize the gravitational force with the opposite force of our desire to get away from it, to rise above it.

The same phenomenon occurs in the wisdom of Kabbalah. If we overcome our egoism that pulls us down toward itself by utilizing the forces of bestowal and love, we rise to such a dimension that is completely built upon bestowal. This means that it is located above our physical bodies, and we enter the new world.
From the Radio Program Israeli 103FM 2/1/15

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