The Secret Plan Of The Jewish People

Dr. Michael LaitmanQuestion: In general, how do you see the situation that the Jewish people find themselves in today?

Answer: We must understand the current development of mankind, understand why we are so hated in the eyes of the world, why we are, at best, pushed into a corner, and in the worst case, mankind wants to annihilate us.

All of this has been determined by the historical role of the people of Israel, and especially in our time we must be an example of the correct unification for humanity, making it possible to move to the next stage of our development.

Today, the dead end of human development has been revealed, the dead end in familial relationships and in different areas. This exists on the scale of individual nations and also the entire world. The time has come to ascend to the next level, but we still don’t understand this. In the meantime there is no solution in our world, so everyone is suffering from not having found it.

Philosophical outlooks are collapsing, plans are upset, and everything is coming to an end. In the past, humanity aspired to something, but today parents no longer have hope for a better future for their children.

An Alternative Possibility

And here the Jewish people should understand their purpose: Specifically now, we must show and provide an example of the method of connection and unification to humanity. For it is precisely through this that humanity will connect according to our example. It will unite in a good way through which we will come into line with nature, its general law and its evolution. And then we will develop further, not just to survive but to ascend to a new level.

The key for this is latent in the Jewish people. This is the secret of the people of Israel, that secret plan that they attribute to us. And we must finally reveal it to ourselves and to the whole world. This is the order of the day.

I hope the Jews will understand that the time has come to implement the stimulus program that has been waiting for thousands of years, to apply it to ourselves, and in this way to provide an example to everyone. We must transform into a “Light unto the nations,” as it is called.

If we don’t do this, the general course of things will press upon us so much that in the end, we will need to act in spite of it all.

And conversely, if, for a start, the Jews will at least discover and know why they are hated by the world and what their destiny is. This will make their lot much easier. After all, this knowledge itself is a rudimentary, albeit passive, participation in the general process derived from the thought of creation.

Even though people still don’t understand its general meaning, even a first contact with the truth, the beginning of a familiarity with the real state of affairs, can change the situation for the better. And the contact itself opens channels to a new power and new management of the world.

There Are No Accidents

The main thing is to explain to every Jew what their mission is in this life, in the world, and why humanity displays such a negative attitude towards them. The reason is that they are not carrying out their role.

It is not by chance that they attribute bad intentions to us and explain that all troubles come from us. We must examine and analyze these eternal slanders. We are talking about a natural phenomenon, not about spontaneous unconnected outbursts. Even those peoples with whom we were never actually in contact are experiencing this same real feeling. We must understand that there are sources and a basis for this natural phenomenon.

The wisdom of Kabbalah describes the inner mechanisms of what is happening and explains to us how we can actively implement our role.

First of all, the people are right in their hatred towards us. For we have really turned off the faucet to the abundance that must come into the entire world. Of course, I am not justifying the haters, but I am saying to the Jews, “Come, let’s implement what has been imposed upon us by nature itself. Come, let’s do this as quickly as possible.”
 From KabTV’s “Like a Bundle of Reeds” 1/11/15

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