The End Of Tolerance?

Dr. Michael LaitmanIn the News ( “The Pope’s message for Christmas was an appeal to the rising wave of hate, oppression and violence in the world. Literally, everyone is in conflict! The world is experiencing a surge in fanaticism and extremism. Anger and hatred on religious, ethnic and social grounds are widely spread throughout the world.

“All countries and the people who live on the territory of one country are in conflict with each other, although recently, they were not foreign to mutual tolerance, agreement. Why do these people now hate each other and, taking up arms, kill those whom they consider to be their enemies?

“Leaders, heads of state, religious leaders – their mission is to suppress the instinct of hatred, hostility, violence, the general public, and to instill in them tolerance, peace and love.”

My Comment: Neither nations nor their leaders will be able to prevent the fall of the world into hatred. The key to improving the world is only in the people of Israel, in its unity for the sake of revealing the Creator.

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